Industries That Stand To Benefit From Scent Marketing admin

Industries That Stand To Benefit From Scent Marketing

In recent years, marketing has begun exploring many new frontiers, but scent marketing remains one of the most unexplored strategies with an enormous potential for creating unforgettable customer experiences. Perfume branding, scent diffusers, scent sticks, fragrance diffuser systems, and fragrance oils strategically placed throughout your establishment or venue can give your brand a competitive edge.

In industries centred around cultivating a memorable customer experience, scent marketing can be a powerful secret weapon.

Hotels And Hospitality

Research on the influence of fragrance marketing depicts a solid link to brand recognition and customer retention. Psychology shows that a good fragrance at a hotel can leave guests feeling patient and calm. Fragrances have the power to create an ambience of luxury and comfort, making guests feel more at home.

Real Estate 

In the past, garnering interest in real estate was focused on décor and accessories. Today, however, real estate agents can add another sensory dimension to their marketing strategy: selective home scents. Scent marketing will increase buyer interest and even influence the final selling price. 

For years, luxury brands have employed fragrances to cultivate a sense of appeal and elegance. Similar tactics are now being utilised to sell properties through scent marketing for real estate.

Banks And Financial Services 

Scent marketing in credit card companies and financial institutions can promote a relaxing atmosphere for stressed clients or a more pleasant experience for those who see banking as boring and unpleasant. Both clients and banking staff will benefit from a stress-free, comfortable and professional environment and the positive experience leads to increased customer retention. 

Casinos And Gaming

Creating a premium ambience on the casino floor through the use of scent marketing is a powerful tool for casinos to leverage.

The carefully curated entertainment ambience can be spoiled by smoke and other odours. But perfume branding creates an atmosphere that encourages gamers to stay longer, as well as exciting and intensifying the gaming experience for players.

Shopping Centres

Large-scale scent marketing is particularly useful in shopping centres. Fragrances diffusers can help set the right tone and create an atmosphere of cleanliness for consumers in-store. Perfume branding has the ability to lower the psychological barrier to purchasing. 

Aromas may be diffused throughout the whole establishment or to specific areas (such as the checkout area). Scents can even be used to draw customers towards sales and specials. This is known as spot scenting. Fragrance can create associations with various products and services, improving brand awareness. 

Events Industry

Branding events with scents has become a must-have for event organisers. The creation of a signature scent devoted to the event encompasses all five senses, meaning the experience created is not confined to an audio-visual expression.  A signature scent tailored to an event means guests can take a piece of the event home with them in the form of memory.

Scent Marketing For All Sectors

There is a direct connection between scent and the limbic system, which, together with the hypothalamus, governs the emotional realm and permits olfactory impressions to remain unconscious.

An exclusive branded ambient scent perfuming the space of your premises or venue can create a strong link in the hearts and memories of your audiences. There are thousands of creative ways you can use scent – scent sticks, fragrances diffuser systems, various home scents, and fragrance oils. South Africa’s premium scent marketing strategists and suppliers, Scent.ology, offer industry-leading scenting solutions to businesses across all sectors. 

With a strategic, scientific and innovative approach, we can tailor a signature perfume branding solution that will make your brand unforgettable. Contact us to start today!